Tuesday, January 8, 2019

How can prevent corrosion in steel.

How can prevent corrosion?

A report published in The Times of India (in 2012) mentions that due to the steel war, India loses more than two lakh crores every year. Across the world, the corrosion described in the same report results in loss of steel of 25,000 tonnes per minute. This is the reason why it is important to apply corrosion control measures to improve the efficiency and longevity of properties, and reduce the loss.

Before looking ahead in the process of prevention of corrosion, let's find out what the corrosion is?

What is corrosion?
Corrosion is the process where a material worsens as a result of interaction with its environment. Corrosion is the main reason for the decline of metal. Corrosion metals are corrosion because they want to return to their stable form. Many metals or alloys have to undergo exposure to water or air. However, this process can be facilitated in the exposure of other substances.

How to prevent war?

There are several ways to prevent corrosion. These are:

1. Avoid contact with corrosive agents:
Withholding corrosive agents with your contact and preventing degradation of metals. For example, protect the metal content with rain water or protect excessive moisture by arranging it inside the house. In addition, should be limited in contact with high chloride-rich substances (like salt water). For example, to prevent corrosion, treat the water under the water boiler with the Softener.

2. Proper monitoring of metal surface:
Carefully monitor the metal surface. Look for cracks and crevices. These manufacturing errors can also be corrosion. In addition, use corrosion-resistant products. For example, if you are buying TMT times for construction, then select corrosion resistant bars (like SRMB TMT bars). Corrosion-resistant TMT bar ensures the longevity of the structure.

3. Prevent Galvanic Corrosion:
When two different metals are exposed to each other in the electrolyte, then acts as a metal anode and acts as the second cathode. The presence of electrolyte acts as a vascular for the ion migration to carry metal ions from anode to the cathode. When the cathode is gradually spoiled, this anode destroys metal more quickly. The result is in the galvanic jungle. This type of corrosion is common in gas or oil pipelines, huts of vessels and boats etc. To prevent galvanic war, apply a protective coating on the surface of the metal. It provides electrolytes with ion flow between metals. Providing Cathode protection by using a metal metal anode in the electrolytic environment also protects metals.

4. Protect Metal Surface:
Paints can be used to protect the metal surface from corrosion. Paint creates a protective barrier between metal surface and corrosive agent. For example, coating the outdoor metal units with coats of paint is saved in contact with rain water or snowfall etc. Many solutions, such as galvanized zinc coating, paint or oil sealant, can be used to prevent forests.

5. Metal plating:
Metal plating can be applied to prevent corrosion. General electrolysis of metal plating (covering surface with layer of tin or nickel), mechanical plating (applying zinc or cadmium on metal surface), electrolysis (coating with cobalt or nickel), or hot dip (melted) Zinc is included in the finished metal)
Hopefully, these points will give you an idea about ways to stop the war.

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How can prevent corrosion in steel.

How can prevent corrosion? A report published in The Times of India (in 2012) mentions that due to the steel war, India loses more than...