Tuesday, January 8, 2019



Real Estate Act

Improve the perception of the sector among various stakeholders
Uniform regulatory environment
Land under development MORE THAN 500 SQ MTS / NO. of UNITS exceeds  8
Projects which do not have COMPLITION CERTIFICATE before  commencement of ACT
RENOVATION or REPAIR or REDEVELOPMENT projects not involving Marketing, Advertising, Selling & New Allotment NEED NOT BE REGISTERERD
Financial Maters
70% of the funds collected from allottees  needs to be parked in the project account
Withdrawals to cover construction and  land cost
In proportion to the % completion method
Withdrawals to be certified by Engineer, Artichect , and CA
Provision for RERA  to freeze project bank account upon noncompliance
Projects Account  to be Audited / FY . Copy to be submitted  to RERA
Provision for stronger  financial penalties  for RERA  noncompliance
Interest  on delay will be  same for  customer and promoter
Promoter to compensate  buyer for incorrect  statement  with  full rerun of  property cost  with interest
Transparency Details
Number, type & carpet area of apartments
Consent from affected allottees for any major addition or alteration
Consent of 2/3rd allottees for any other addition or alteration
No false statements or commitments in advertisement
Quarterly updating RERA website with details such as unsold inventory & pending approvals
No arbitrary cancellation of units by promoter
Project complition time frame
Informing allottees for any minor addition or alteration
No Launch or advertisement before registration with RERA
Consent of 2/3rd allottees for transferring majority rights to 3rd party
Quarterly update of  project progress along with  pending approvals  on RERA website
Every office of the company , who as in charge or responsible  will be liable for the conduct of the company and deemed guilty
Offence by an officer committed with the consent or connivance of any director , manager , secretary or other officer of the company  , will also  be guilty
Authenticated copy of all approvals, commencement certificate, sanctioned plan, layout plan of development work, proposed facilities, proforma allotment letter, agreement for sale & conveyance deed to be given when applying for project registration with RERA
Registrations of brokers/agents with RERA
Timely updating of RERA website
Maximum 1 year extension in case of delay due to no fault of developer
Annual audit of projects account by a CA
Dispute resolution within 6 months at RERA and FERA (Foreign Exchange Regulation Act) appellate rebalance
Developers to share details of projects launched in last 5 years with status and reason for delay with RERA
Conveyance deed for common area in favor of RWA
Mandatory registration of new and existing  projects with RERA  before launch
Separate registration of different phases of a single projects
Construction and land title insurance
Project completion time period

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